DNA Interest Group
Have you tested your DNA and would like to understand the results you have received?
Bendigo Family History Group has a Special Interest Group that may interest you.
We meet monthly and you will need to bring along your own laptop or tablet, preferably a laptop.
You also need to have tested your DNA and know your login and password. If you think this is something that may be of benefit to you, please contact us.
DNA testing can break down brick walls and find unknown families.
Contact us by sending us an email
The Bendigo Family History Group always welcomes new members to share in this rewarding hobby of Family History.
We are a branch of the Family History Connections, (AIGS) who are located in Blackburn, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Details of membership can be found at their website, Family History Connections under the link titled "About".
It's now time to renew your membership with FHC ....take advantage of the online and inperson benefits now